Smart solutions for a connected future

Your reliable partner for smart IoT solutions​

Discover the IoT world

Efficient sensor products for municipalities, businesses and the home​

Discover our high-quality sensing products in the IoT Shop for making your community, business or home more efficient and cost-effective. Our reliable and low-maintenance products offer high range and building penetration for optimal monitoring and control. From smart city solutions to Industry 4.0, we offer everything you need in sensor technology to automate and optimise your processes.

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Your partner for smart infrastructure projects

Netze BW Services Division

As the service division of Netze BW GmbH, we plan, design, build and operate critical infrastructure for our customers. Our portfolio includes products and services for electricity, gas, water, heating and telecommunications networks as well as various protection products. With our concepts and solutions, we support you in building your digital infrastructure for a wide range of applications.

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Our connectivity service?

You are looking for the right partner for IoT projects on your own - we offer you easy access to connectivity via our Connectivity Service. 
Check network coverage and secure sensor connectivity now.

We take care of it

Your contact for IoT projects is: 

Netze BW GmbH

      Schelmenwasenstraße 15
        70567 Stuttgart

Contact us